This is a guide for installing Ridgeside Village, or RSV for short. It will contain links to required mods, steps on how install the mod for the first time, and steps for updating or reinstalling.
Last edited by Moetrash on 2024-07-31 21:13:43 GMT.
Required Mods[]
RSV requires the following list of mods to work correctly. It is recommended that you refer to their own installation guides for installing them correctly, as some of them have their own required mods. Below are links for your convenience. If you are unsure of how to install mods, check out this guide or see the next section.
Mod Requirements[]
Name | URL
Content Patcher | |
Custom Companions | |
Farm Type Manager (FTM) | |
SpaceCore | |
First-time install[]
This is for the main RSV mod and will add the new village & NPCs.
- Make sure you have Stardew Valley and SMAPI installed, then locate your mods folder.
- Steps for installing SMAPI and finding your mods folder are here.
- Download RSV and all of its requirements (see above) from Nexus Mods.
- Click here for the link to Ridgeside Village.
- Unzip each file into your mods folder.
- For more info on what it means to unzip a file, see here.
- Your Mods folder should have a folder called Ridgeside Village inside of it, along with several other mods. It should look something like this:

Example /Mods/ folder.
The Ridgeside Village folder should have several more folders within it, labeled:
- [CC] Ridgeside Village
- [CP] Ridgeside Village
- [FTM] Ridgeside Village
- RidgesideVillage

The stairway to Ridgeside Village from the Bus Stop when using the "EnableBetterBusStop" config option (see below)
That's it! You are ready to play. If you've successfully installed the mod, then upon entering the Bus Stop, you will see a cutscene with Lewis and Lenny. You can then access the Cable Car Station using the staircase above and to the right of the bus, as shown in the image to the right.
The Ridgeside Village mod does not affect any base game content other than the Bus Stop. Ridgeside Village and its residents exist separately from Pelican Town, not within it, so you should not expect to see the base game content (other than the Bus Stop) modified in any way. |
Mobile Install[]
The mobile version of Stardew Valley has not yet been updated to Version 1.6. As such, mobile users will have to use an older version of the mod, its current framework mods, and former framework mods that were dropped with the 1.6 update.
The first step for mobile users is to download the following framework mods with these specific versions:
Please make sure that you have the exact version of the mod specified in your Mods folder. Older versions of mods can be found in the "Old files" section. |
Name | Version | URL |
Anti-Social NPCs | 1.0.6 | |
Content Patcher | 1.30.4 | |
Custom Companions | 3.0.0 | |
Custom NPC Exclusions | 1.5.0 | |
Expanded Preconditions Utility | 1.0.1 | |
Extra Map Layers | 0.3.7 | |
Farm Type Manager (FTM) | 1.16.2 | |
Json Assets | 1.10.14 | |
Mail Framework Mod | 1.15.0 | |
SAAT - Audio API and Toolkit | 1.1.2 | |
Shop Tile Framework | 1.0.9 | |
SpaceCore | 1.17.2 | |
After insuring these mods have been properly installed, please navigate to this page and locate the Optional Files section, as pictured below.

Note: The colored text has been edited on and will not be on the actual site.
File #1 is the old 1.5.6-compatible version of the main mod, version 2.5.3. Please install only this version and not the version under Main Files.
File #2 is the CJB warps config file for players using the CJB Cheats mod. This file is optional for players with that mod and useless for players without it.
File #3 is the optional extra music add-on. This adds a few extra songs to the mod that will mostly be used in marriageable characters' heart events. Again, it is optional and not required.
After installing the first file pictured, you should be ready to play!
Please note that the mobile version must disable two specific features of RSV.
- The Ridgeside Village world map will not automatically open when you open your map in the village. Instead, you'll have to click on the RSV icon in the upper left corner of the map to see it.
- The Mountain Mistblade's projectile functionality is disabled.
Other than that, everything should be exactly the same as the 1.5.6 version for PC!
Configuration Options[]
Ridgeside Village does have several configuration options as well. To easily change these options in a graphical user interface, we recommend downloading Generic Mod Config Menu which allows you to change the settings from the Stardew Valley main menu. Please note that changing the config options with GMCM can sometimes cause small bugs like NPC pathing issues, but these will only last for the first in-game day. To change the config options manually, after loading up the game once, a file called "config.json" will be generated in Mods/Ridgeside Village/[CP] Ridgeside Village, where you can change the values in a text editor. The config options are as follows:
- "ShowVillagersOnMap": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, the locations of villagers will be visible on the RSV minimap, similar to the way NPC Map Locations and UI Info Suite 2 work.
- "ProgressiveStory": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, certain story events will take place relative to when RSV was installed.
- "RepeatCableCarCutscene": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, a short cutscene of the farmer riding in the cable car will play the first time you go up and down it each day.
- "EnableOtherNPCsInCableCar": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, other NPCs may appear in the Cable Car cutscene.
- "EnableRidgesideMusic": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, Ridgeside Village's custom music (and the music from the music add-on, if installed) will play when in the Ridgeside-specific maps and festivals.
- "RSVNPCSAttendFestivals": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, RSV NPCs will attend the Pelican Town festivals. If false, no Ridgeside NPCs will attend Pelican Town festivals.
- "ExpandedFestivalMaps": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, Pelican Town festivals will use custom maps from RSV that allow more space for the festival area - RSV NPCs will be in a new area away from others. If false (and RSVNPCsAttendFestivals is true), the RSV NPCs will appear within the default area.
- "EasyIntroduction": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "false" by default. If true, only the original Ridgeside Village characters must be met to complete the Introductions quest (in addition to all Pelican Town characters). If false, all characters who live in Ridgeside Village must be met to complete the quest.
- "EnableBetterBusStop": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, the bus stop design is changed so that villagers no longer pass over the road when going between towns. If false, the bus stop is changed minimally so that the only difference from the original map is the entrance to the cable car station.
- "PoleAtBackwoods": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, a pole that supports the Ridgeside Cable Car will be added to the Backwoods map. If false, the pole will not be added.
- "SeasonalRSVMap": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, the RSV world map will use seasonal variants. If false, the map will use the Spring variant regardless of the season.
- "EnableTouristNPCs": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, the second floor of the Log Cabin Hotel will have non-NPC tourists staying in its rooms.
- "ShowRSVCustomMap": The possible values are "true" and "false" - set to "true" by default. If true, a custom minimap for RSV will be available via a clickable icon in the main world map, and will appear automatically when in Ridgeside areas.
When updating or reinstalling RSV you will need to delete the existing version before installing the update. Failing to do this can cause various bugs, ranging from SMAPI warnings to complete crashes. This is safe to do and will not affect progress on saves! Once you have deleted the old version of the game, the steps for reinstalling are essentially the same as they were for installing:
- Go to your Stardew Valley Mods folder
- Delete the folder named "Ridgeside Village"
- Download the most recent version of RSV from Nexus Mods
- Unzip the downloaded files to the Mods folder
- If you also have the optional Music of Ridgeside mod, you will have to delete and re-install that one as well!
Installing on an existing save file[]
Ridgeside Village is safe to install onto an existing save file. You may encounter a few issues, but these are all minor and easy to fix.
- Bushes blocking the Bus Stop path
- You may notice a few bushes placed in odd positions on the Bus Stop map which prevent the villagers from walking in a straight line, and also prevent your horse from being able to pass through. We recommend downloading the mod Noclip Mode mod along with Destroyable Bushes so that you can destroy each of these bushes without getting rid of other bushes on the map. An alternative method is to download the mod Reset Terrain Features, go into the game, press L, then check off all the boxes (including the "affect all locations") and pressing reset.
If you'd like to remove this new path entirely, please set the config option "EnableBetterBusStop" to false, as is described above.
- You may notice a few bushes placed in odd positions on the Bus Stop map which prevent the villagers from walking in a straight line, and also prevent your horse from being able to pass through. We recommend downloading the mod Noclip Mode mod along with Destroyable Bushes so that you can destroy each of these bushes without getting rid of other bushes on the map. An alternative method is to download the mod Reset Terrain Features, go into the game, press L, then check off all the boxes (including the "affect all locations") and pressing reset.
- Progressive story mode
- As of version 2.2, RSV now has the config option "ProgressiveStory" set to true by default. This means that certain events that are supposed to happen mid-game will now happen relative to when you installed the mod. For example, the Log Cabin Hotel expansion typically occurs at the beginning of Year 2, but if you install the mod in the middle of Winter Y3, the expansion would occur in the middle of Winter Y4. If you prefer not to wait for these changes, please set the config option to false, and all these events can then happen immediately.
- If some characters start disappearing or walking in places that should not be possible:
- This, unfortunately, is one of the issues that can't really be fixed, and just comes with the territory of performing such a massive update on an existing save. Luckily, this tends to only last a few in-game days and quickly resolves itself. If it poses a major issue, feel free to reach out to us on the Nexusmods page, Discord, Reddit, or any other one of our social media platforms.
- Version 2.1.0: "AutoWeddingReception" default value changed from "true" to "false".
- Version 2.2.0: Many config options modified.
- Version 2.5.0: Mobile compatibility updated.
- Version 2.5.4: First 1.6-compatible version released.